The MARI Country Register

Hi, we are Mike & Pat Dempsey the Massachusetts / Rhode Island (MARI) Country Register publishers. The paper comes out every two months. Each issue contains a wonderful variety of feature stories, articles, and many fun and interesting items, along with informative advertising to guide your shopping.

As a publisher we still get excited about each issue we produce, even after 19 years. It is always a challenge to sell and layout ads, bring the articles together, find art work for our front covers, and get the paper laid out in a way that will make for an interesting, easy read, and a great shopping guide for our loyal readership.

A couple of days after we electronically upload the papers to the printer, the papers are then delivered to our distributors who have just 6 days to get a total of about 14,000 papers delivered throughout MA & RI. It is always heart warming to hear about people anxious to get their copy of the new edition.

Our most dreaded moment comes after delivery when someone discovers an error. They, of course, are never made intentionally and usually aren't fatal. It always makes me aware of mistakes in other publications and so I have come to realize that it happens in all printed matter quite regularly! Not that this gives us an excuse, but we know we have company in this area. Besides, it is our way to see if you are paying attention. :-)

We hope you enjoy each issue and pick up an extra copy to share with a friend, a neighbor, or relative. Subscriptions are a nice gift for someone who cannot get out and about to pick up a paper at one of the advertisers.

Who would not want to know where the best shops in New England are!